With ChatGen, you can easily connect your calendar and get users to schedule meetings with you in a seamless manner. You can integrate with both Google Calendar and Office 365. In this article, we’ll talk about:

  • How to Connect your calendar

  • Scheduling Settings

    • Setting #1: Details of the meeting 

    • Setting #2: Availability Settings

    • Setting #3: Time Buffer 

  • What your user will see when scheduling a meeting

  • How to use calendars 

    • In live conversations

    • In bot flows 

How to Connect your calendar

Go to Settings> Account Settings > Calendar

Click on Connect Calendar

Choose between Google Calendar and Office 365, based on whichever one you use.

Make sure your Google Hangout is turned off if you’re connecting with Gmail, otherwise the meeting detail will show multiple “locations” which can get confusing.

Customizing your settings

Once your calendar is connected, the Settings screen will open automatically and you’ll be able to create personalized settings for your meeting.

Setting #1: Details of the meeting

You can define the standard duration of your meeting, as well as the Title of the Meeting. For instance, a sales rep may have a 30-minuted meeting titled “Product Demo”. 

Setting #2: Availability Settings

Make sure you add your timezone to ensure that there is no confusion while meetings are being scheduled. You can then add the days you’re available and the time. Users will only be able to book meetings according to this.

If you have more than one condition, click on the Add button to add multiple conditions. For instance, you might be available from 10 AM to 6 PM from Monday - Thursday but only from 2 PM to 4 PM from Friday- Sunday.

Setting #3: Time Buffer 

It’s important to ensure that you’re not overbooked and stressed out. We have a minimum notice time that will give you enough room to prepare for meetings and a Buffer Time that ensures you have enough gap between your meetings to take breaks and rest.

What your user will see when scheduling a meeting

A user can choose to book a meeting through a bot flow or when an agent manually sends them a request.

When a user chooses the option to book a meeting, there will be two ways forward:

  1. If the user is a recurring user, the bot will remember this

  2. If not, the user will be prompted to enter their email address

The user can then schedule a meeting by picking a suitable date and time based on available options:

Once they pick a date and time, they simply click Schedule

The bot confirms the meeting and sends an email confirmation as well.

How to use calendars 

In live conversations

The agent can schedule a meeting by simply sending the Calendar link by clicking on the Meeting button on the bottom right in the Conversation window:

An admin account will be able to choose whose calendar they want to send whereas an agent will only be able to send their own calendar. 

In bot flows 

You can add a Schedule Meeting option as part of the bot flow that you build. For details on how to do this, check this out. 

You’re all ready to use the calendar now! In case you still have questions, you can always reach out to us on support@chatgen.ai.

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