Integrate your ChatGen bot with your WordPress website in 6 simple steps:

(You need to have your own ChatGen account to follow the below steps. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up here for a free account.)

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin section, select the Add New screen under "Plugins" and search for "ChatGen".

  1. Select the "ChatGen" WordPress plugin and click on "Install Now".

  1. After installation you’ll find an "Activate" button in place of "Install Now", click on the "Activate" button.

  1. Now go to Settings->Widget in the ChatGen dashboard and copy the script under "Install ChatGen".

  1. Return to the WordPress dashboard and click on "ChatGen" under settings.

  1. Paste the widget code into the snippet section, enable the "Live Chat" option, and click on "Save Changes".

  1. You’re done! Yay!!!